Life Style Lift

This Blog is dedicated to my goal to change my life. In this blog you will read of my trials, triumphs and tests into improving the quality of my life and that of my family's life. It will start out with basic things, things I have influence over and will move on to more intricate changes. This blog will read like a diary, one of my goals is to update it daily, noting a small change I have made or maintained during that day.

From food to fitness, spending money to saving money, setting goals and achieving goals, and everything in between. Stay tuned to see how my Lifestyle Lift pays off!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weight Loss, let the Journey begin

I find it confusing that I can gain weight in the blink of an eye, but it takes eons to lose it.  So I am starting, I know that maintaining and losing weight is about making changes to your life and eating better, being more active and shutting down those excuses, but it still seems so hard.  It also seems very discouraging when it seems to take forever to lose any weight, but it seems like no problem to pack on the pounds.  I know that the weight gain is my fault, I don't blame anyone else it is simply me not being diligent with my exercising and eating habits.  But I am changing those now....

So here are some of my before pictures they are so not flattering, but they are my encouragement to change and work towards a weight at which I am comfortable and feel good and healthy.

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