Life Style Lift

This Blog is dedicated to my goal to change my life. In this blog you will read of my trials, triumphs and tests into improving the quality of my life and that of my family's life. It will start out with basic things, things I have influence over and will move on to more intricate changes. This blog will read like a diary, one of my goals is to update it daily, noting a small change I have made or maintained during that day.

From food to fitness, spending money to saving money, setting goals and achieving goals, and everything in between. Stay tuned to see how my Lifestyle Lift pays off!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What I've learned in the past 6 months

I am literally amazed with myself.  I have stuck it out with One to 1 Fitness and have been on a diet and exercise regime that has not only shown me physical results but has also made me fell better about myself as well.  

There are a few things I have learned and come to appreciate in the past 6 months that I think should be shared with everyone.  

1) The number on the scale means less than what it is valued at by most people.  Muscle takes up less space than fat but a smaller area of muscle could weigh more than a larger area of fat.  It's not that muscle weighs more than fat, but it's more compact and won't take up as much space, but the number on the scale does not know that.
2) Energy levels are more important than the number on the scales, it doesn't matter what the scale says, it's what your body allows you to do, and how well you can function throughout the day.
3) Diet is very important to maintaining and losing weight, it's more important than exercise.  This I didn't believe in the beginning but I am finding that it is more true than I would like to give it credit for.
4) Clothing size is different for all designers and in some clothes I may be a size 12 and in others I may be a size 8, all that really matters is how I feel with the clothes on.
5) No one's opinion matters except my own when it comes to my own body.  Not everyone is going to like what they see, but as long as I like what I see, then I should take my happiness from that.

Those are the top five things I have learned, but I have learned more things as well.
6) Squats with one leg on a step with your foot pointed at an angle hurt your inner thighs.
7) running suicides SUCKS!!  Especially when you go full out, I need to work on my fast endurance because it is horrible right now.
8) I can do a real push up it's hard work, but I can do them, but a modified push up allows me to do more repetitions.
9) I have more strength then I am aware of, I must push myself to get more results and to push myself I can't be afraid to try heavier weights.
10) A sports bra is a necessity when working out, a regular bra does not keep the sisters in place.

Monday, May 30, 2011

2 weeks left

There are two weeks left in my six week challenge and I don't know how close I am to my goal.  I wish I knew how other people were doing so I could compare myself and set real goals for myself to reach in order to win.  In a race you can see how far back you are from the finish yet, I can't see how far behind or how far ahead I am.  I think I am behind by at least 6 pounds, so that has to go so I can at least be competitive with the other girl in my class.  I have no idea what other people are at so it's hard to compete for the goal when I am not sure where other people are. 

I know I know I am supposed to be concerned with myself, but I set out to win and I am not sure how far or close I am to reaching my goal.  The other thing that sucks at this point is my bloating, boo to having to go through these periods of times as a female.

So tonight we will have another set of measurements done and I will update you all on my progress.  I am hoping to see some definite changes!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Creature of Habit

I never thought I was to addicted to always doing the same thing with the same people, but as I grow older I have come to realize the I often find things I enjoy and I don't like them to change. I like consistency.

This is especially true when it comes to my working out routine.  I have struggled with stay  active consistently for my entire life. I definitely workout in spurts.  There are periods of time when I workout consistently active on my own for six months or more, generally through winter I find this easier as I like being indoors in the winter.  But then the weather will change or circumstances will change and I will lose my routine and then it's back to the weight gain and loss yo-yoing that I struggle with. I am not one of the fortunate few who can eat whatever they want but I love food, so if I am not active then I will gain weight. 

I have found that I really enjoy my FIT Camp classes at one to 1.  I have really enjoyed working with the girls in the class and my instructor was great.  Wait did I use a was?  Yes I did, because last Friday we found out, and I didn't actually find out until Monday, that Trevor had been fired.  I know that as a client I don't really need to know the ins and outs of an establishment, but I signed up to work with Trevor at One to 1 in his fit camp classes and now he's not there.  I feel a little disconcerted, and I don'tt know how the rest of my workouts will go.  I know I will stay until the end of this six week challenge, because I AM going to win, that way I can get the honeymoon I deserve!!!!

But I am a creature of habit and I am worried that if I do not like the new trainer, then I may not continue with One to 1.  That's the honest truth of it, I may just leave and go to another gym, or just get a collicut pass and work it into our schedule that we go the same times I was going to One to 1.  We will see what happens at the end of this six weeks though. 

Trevor was a good trainer and I hope he gets work soon, and I, as one of his clients, am saddened that I have lost him as a trainer.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Working out Outside

I am so HAPPY summer is finally starting to come into existence.  It has been a long, uncomfortable winter, way to cold for this Cali girl.  (I know I grew up in the prairies but I am sure my being born in Cali has made it so I do not acclimate very well to these horribly cold winters)

Two nights ago, Mr. A and I went to the steam baths for a relaxing evening. It was something we hadn't done in a long time. Before going there though I was determined to get a run in, as I have made a resolution to be active everyday that I don't go to the gym. I am trying to get some extra cardio in so I can lose more fat weight, and not gain so much more lean muscle mass.  So out for a run I went around my neighbourhood.  It took me 30 minutes and I ran 3.04km.  Which I feel isn't bad for the first run of the season.  After getting home and changing it was off to an evening of relaxing.  It was a great steam, well except where they turned the lights out on us in the steam room.  That was a little frightening.

Then yesterday, Trevor decided to provided us with our first outside workout.  It was not as bad as I thought it would be.  We had to do 15 push ups, then lunges across a field, 15 overhead squats with a medicine ball, then lunges again, 15 medicine ball slams, then lunges again.  When these were complete we went for a .60km run.  I was able to complete this 3 times.  So my next goal will to be complete this 5 times.  It was nice out last night, not to hot just the perfect temperature for making the blood pump outside.  The only issue with working out outside are those pesky mosquitoes.  Man I wish they would spray for them, they are a complete pain, everywhere. 

The other wonderful thing that the city of Red Deer has funded are outdoor gyms.  Throughout the city there are multiple locations where these gyms can be located.  They are a resistance training gyms that use your own body weight and they are set up as a circuit gym.  If you can't afford gym equipment in the summer all you have to do is take a jog to the nearest outdoor gym area and you can workout until your heart's content.
So if your city is like mine find these gyms, and if not proposition your city council to help make your city a healthier city by installing these gyms!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2 to June 15th

For the next six weeks I am going to be on a strict diet and exercise regime. AGAIN!! Yes I have seen results but I want to see more results especially since my wedding in basically in 4 months, less than 4 months.

So no sugar for this girl, lot's of water and lot's of protein.  I am not cutting out carbs, but cutting down on carbs.  I am planning to adhere to this diet with the utmost conviction. I want to win this challenge, but there are a few people that are even biking to the gym before working out, I'm not doing that, so I have to bring my A game every other day of the week.

No more excuses no more!!!  Gotta do this up right and if I do I will win a $1000 travel voucher that will by my gift to Adrian and I for our wedding.  Have a goal now let's get to it!!!