Life Style Lift

This Blog is dedicated to my goal to change my life. In this blog you will read of my trials, triumphs and tests into improving the quality of my life and that of my family's life. It will start out with basic things, things I have influence over and will move on to more intricate changes. This blog will read like a diary, one of my goals is to update it daily, noting a small change I have made or maintained during that day.

From food to fitness, spending money to saving money, setting goals and achieving goals, and everything in between. Stay tuned to see how my Lifestyle Lift pays off!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

so here's where I am at....

I have given myself four weeks to get into shape, and lose ten pounds.  Now that isn't my final desired weight for my life, but it's the weight at which I would like to leave Canada before my wedding.  So I had four weeks to get to work and work out in order to accomplish this goal.

I have been working out and I have made some motivational pictures and posters to hang up so I know the desired look I am working towards.  I have been good on my diet, there have been a few, oops-ies, but nothing that has totally derailed me.  Nothing I don't think a little extra effort can't burn off. 

Awhile ago I posted some dreaded bikini shots of me, the front the rear and the side view, I had Adrian take them again so that I could have a visual comparison.  I am down five pounds in the after pictures but you wouldn't be able to tell, at least I don't think you can.  That and the lighting and distance of the pictures was changed so it's hard to say.  I am going to retake them tomorrow so I can get a better sense of what's going on.  I know that I had my measurements and I am down a total of 6 inches as well.  So there are changes happening, and they should be visual, but I think I need another pair of eyes to tell me what they think.  I could be dreaming it all, but I don't think I am.

So here are my pictures for you to see.  Let's see if we notice anything.
So this is the whole shot with all six photos side by side, I will now put up three more pictures with each view on it's on page.

Besides the love handles I don't see much difference but that could be on account of the lighting, angel and the fact that I have a great tan now is really coming through.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Here are the dreaded first set of bikini shots

I am trying to be brave and not worry about what my insecure voice is going to say once i put this out there.  It's one thing to put up shots of yourself in gym clothes but it's quite another to put up bikini shots when you used to be over 200 lbs.  yes I said it that was my top weight when I decided enough was enough.  I have lost 20 lbs of fat but gained some lean muscle mass, so my weight isn't down 20 lbs but it's close.  I have lost more since these photos were taken a total of 3 lbs. So I think my next shots that I will take tonight will maybe show some of these changes.
 So here are the front, side and rear view of me.  I am going to do another blog here soon and show and progression of pictures, from when I started to now.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Running, running anywhere

I am starting to enjoy running again. I have gone out twice (well I know it's not much but still) and I thoroughly enjoyed myself both times.

I have done a 4 km run and 5 km run.  The 5 I did last night and it took me 30 minutes, I am terrible at telling time when I am working out and I couldn't tell if it was longer or shorter than 30 minutes. I have decided that next time I go out I am going to plan out my route so that it's longer.  Maybe 7 km and build myself up to 10 km by the time my friend Alex gets here, then I can try to take her on a run with me.

So that's what I did yesterday, and today I went for a walk.  It took us an hour to walk to the library and back.  It was a good walk, like 4 miles, which is like 9 km.  I enjoy walking to the library, I get books and I get to be outside with lil man enjoying the summer weather.

Monday, July 4, 2011

I don't know what day it is of 55

But I am back.  My access to a computer was limited while I was in Saskatchewan, well it wasn't limited I just chose not to access the computer.  And my mother's wifi is so hidden I can't ever find it, so I didn't feel like sitting upstairs at night after they had gone to bed to update my blog.  There it is I was being lazy....

However I did go for a run on Friday, a long run too and on Saturday and Sunday I went for long walks with friends.

Eating not so great, but I am ready for the next 4 weeks to bust my ass in the gym and with my nutrition.  I have a new nutrition plan and I am going to bust my ass to lose these last ten pounds.  Ten pounds and I should be in good form for the wedding, I can even work on losing another 4 pounds while traveling down to the wedding.

I know I can do it and I am going to look amazing for the beach and my wedding!! And for the fall!!  I am not going to be lazy or use any other excuses I am going to do this and I am going to see some amazing results!!!