Life Style Lift

This Blog is dedicated to my goal to change my life. In this blog you will read of my trials, triumphs and tests into improving the quality of my life and that of my family's life. It will start out with basic things, things I have influence over and will move on to more intricate changes. This blog will read like a diary, one of my goals is to update it daily, noting a small change I have made or maintained during that day.

From food to fitness, spending money to saving money, setting goals and achieving goals, and everything in between. Stay tuned to see how my Lifestyle Lift pays off!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Total Body Blast

So this week began my six weeks of exercise classes.  I began on Friday going to a class called Total Body Blast.  I wasn't sure what to expect but it seemed like a good class. Mostly because it conveniently fit into my schedule and did not really interfere with Leigham's bedtime routine too much.  So to the Rec Center I headed.

First thing I would like to say is the instructor was very welcoming and very supportive.  She pushed but not too hard, and was always encouraging me through my workout.  Since I hadn't really done anything since March, when I stopped going to Crossfit.  (I don't know why I stopped, I just did, it was getting nice outside, figured I would stay motivated doing things outside....ooops I was wrong)  So I was a little slow but I was able to make it through the whole workout without dying of exhaustion.

It was a workout that's for sure.  My muscles were shaking as I left the Rec Center.  I knew I was going to be hurting the next day or the day after.  And do I ever feel it today.  Muscles I forgot I had, are crying out in protest, but not is so much pain that I am thinking I will never do that again. In fact I can't wait to start my next class. 

I am starting Firm Up Aerobics on  Tuesday. It goes Tuesday and Thursday and then I will have Total Body Blast on Friday.  It's going to be busy but in such a good way I am very excited.  Soon the numbers on my scale won't make me groan inwardly!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I am sure exercise is the bane of my existence. On the one hand I love to get out and go running or walking or even going to the gym.  On the other hand, I have no motivation to get started.  You would think I have the biggest motivation to get started, I mean my wedding is coming up in less than a year and I would like to look my best.  Yet here I am completely unmotivated.  At least I am unmotivated to get out and do things on my own.  Like just going to the gym to work out, nope not doing that.

I have gotten a bit more motivated this weekend I signed up for 2 fitness classes. So starting this Friday I will be working out 3 times a week.  One class is every Friday and the other is Tuesday and Thursday.  I have also signed the boys up for swimming lessons on Monday and Wednesday so it looks like I will be out of the house every evening.  This should help in getting some motivation going. 

I know that by getting more active my weight problems will start to get under control, but I feel so tired during the day that when I get home all I want to do is relax on my couch or chair and be mindlessly entertained.  So now having to be out of the house every night may help change this situation. 

Here's hoping that this next alteration is the next big step to getting to my ideal weight!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Cash Diet

Haven't quite got the budget under control, but I do have a Cash Diet now.  With the exception of groceries and gas all of my purchases are now done on a cash basis.  Groceries and gas are budgeted for debit purchases and since I usually get my gas at Costco it has become a necessity. 

I am hoping that by limiting myself to $50 a week I will be able to have more cash on hand for paying off debts and saving for my wedding bill.  I am refusing to ever go on vacation again and have debts accumulated.  A vacation must be paid off before it has begun otherwise it is just stressful.

I know I can do it, so here is to turning over a new leaf in the spending department.  I do have a shopping problem but I should be ok if I really focus and work hard.  Subbing jobs here I come!!!